(727) 442-1585 [email protected]

The best places to find free moving boxes

One of the things people underestimate the most about planning for a move is the boxes they decide to use. Whatever you do choose – needs to be sturdy. Can it handle the weight of its contents? Can it handle bouncing around in a car or moving truck? It’s those kinds... Read More

Should I Pay Movers By The Hour Or By Flat Rate?

When people choose a mover for the first time, they’re usually surprised at how many options there are– not just in terms of the services available to them – but also the myriad of ways they can cut deals and structure fees. That brings us to the topic of today’s... Read More

Palm Harbor Movers

Moving to or from Palm Harbor? Palm Harbor is a small, upscale community in Pinellas County, Florida. As of 2014, it had a population of 64,301. Located north of Dunedin and  south of Tarpon Springs, Palm Harbor is only about 24 miles northwest of Tampa. A quick check... Read More